
Project Jupyter is an open-source project intended to support interactive scientific computing across numerous languages.

Documentation: https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


Scared of commitment? To try Jupyter without installation, click here.

Jupyter Notebook

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application which provides an interactive environment that smoothly integrates live code, images, equations, data visualization, interactive widgets, and text.


Jupyter is not exclusive to Python - it supports over 40 languages, including R, Java, and MATLAB. IPython is the default kernel of Jupyter Notebook but other kernels can be installed to enable the use of other languages within Jupyter.

Check out the list of available kernels here.


Jupyter Notebooks can include inline and displayed mathematical equations written in LateX.

LaTeX is used to typeset mathematical notation in scientific documents.

Example of use

In a Markdown cell,

The Nernst Equation is as follows

$$E_x = \frac{RT}{zF}ln{\frac{[X]_o}{[X]_i}}$$

where $R$ is the gas constant, $T$ the temperature, $z$ the valence of the ion, $F$ the Faraday
constant, and $[X]_o$ and $[X]_i$ the concentrations of the ion outside and inside the cell.

where $$ and $ indicate the start and end of a displayed and inline equation respectively.

This produces

The Nernst Equation is as follows
\[E_x = \frac{RT}{zF}ln{\frac{[X]_o}{[X]_i}}\]
where \(R\) is the gas constant, \(T\) the temperature, \(z\) the valence of the ion, \(F\) the Faraday constant, and \([X]_o\) and \([X]_i\) the concentrations of the ion outside and inside the cell.


ipywidgets are interactive HTML widgets that can be used to build GUIs within Jupyter Notebooks. Available widgets include buttons, sliders, textboxes, and checkboxes.


$ pip install ipywidgets
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

To use:

import ipywidgets as widgets



nbviewer renders Jupyter Notebooks in a browser.


nbconvert converts Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats, including HTML and PDF.


Installing Jupyter (pip install jupyter) also installs nbconvert. To use nbconvert from the command line, enter the following command in the directory in which the notebook is stored.

$ jupyter nbconvert --to format notebook.ipynb

Replace format wtih the desired format and notebook.ipynb with the notebook file.


Saving as different formats is also possible within Jupyter. To see the available formats:

  • In Jupyter Notebook,

    click on File then hover over Download as.

  • In Jupyter Lab,

    click on File then hover over Export Notebook As….

Jupyter Lab

Jupyter Lab is the web-based user interface intended to replace Jupyter Notebook. It has all the classic features of its predecessor plus some cool new ones, most notably it offers a flexible and unified workspace that can include a code console, terminal, text editor, and Notebook.


Syzygy is a service provided by the Pacific Insittute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Compute Canada, and Cybera that launches Jupyter notebooks in a browser. It is accessed by logging in with a CWL through https://ubc.syzygy.ca/.


Each user is allocated 1GB of space.